Can I Wet My Hair In The Shower Without Washing It?

Many people, man or woman who are into their hair and hair health will only wonder about this question, can I wet my hair in the shower without washing it with shampoo or conditioner?

What will happen to my hair if I don’t actually use products and it gets rinsed with water?

In this article, we’ll explain the reasons why washing your hair with products such as shampoo or conditioner differs from only using water.

Can You Wet Your Hair In The Shower Without Washing It?

The quick answer to this question is yes, you can wet your hair in the shower without washing it with shampoo or conditioner. However, there are a few things that you should keep in mind if you’re going to do this.

Oily Hair

If you have oily hair, it’s best to avoid wetting your hair without washing it first. This is because wetting your hair can actually make your scalp produce more oil. So, if you have oily hair and you’re going to wet it in the shower, make sure to wash it with a good shampoo or conditioner afterwards.

Dry Hair

If you have dry hair, wetting your hair in the shower without washing it first shouldn’t be a problem. In fact, doing this can actually help hydrate your hair and make it look healthier. Just make sure that you don’t leave your hair wet for too long after the shower since this can lead to frizziness.

Split Ends

If you have split ends, wetting your hair in the shower without washing it can actually make them worse. This is because water can cause the split ends to fray even more. So, if you have split ends, it’s best to avoid wetting your hair without washing it first.

Damaged Hair

If your hair is damaged, wetting it in the shower without washing it first can actually help. This is because water can help hydrate your hair and make it look healthier. Just make sure that you don’t leave your hair wet for too long after the shower since this can lead to frizziness.

As you can see, there are a few things to keep in mind when wetting your hair in the shower without washing it first. However, overall, doing this shouldn’t be a problem as long as you’re careful about which type of hair you have.

Is It OK To Get Your Hair Wet But Not Wash?

Now that we’ve answered the question, “can I wet my hair in the shower without washing it,” let’s talk about whether or not it’s actually OK to get your hair wet but not wash it.

Everyone is entitled to their own hair washing regimes, no one here is going to tell you off for wetting your hair without actually washing it but is it ok to get your hair wet but not washing? Are there any disadvantages to this?

We’ve asked some top hair stylists to get their thoughts on the matter:

We asked the top 3 rated hair salons on this companies list who are based in New York, for their opinion.

Our first hair stylist said:It’s not a problem to get your hair wet without washing it as long as you’re not doing it every day. If you do it too often, then your hair can become greasy.

Our second stylist said:I think it’s fine to get your hair wet without washing it occasionally. It won’t hurt your hair and can actually help hydrate it.

Our third stylist said: “Getting your hair wet without washing is perfectly fine as long as you don’t do it all the time. Your hair might become greasy if you do it too often.

As you can see, there are different opinions on this matter. However, the overall consensus seems to be that it’s perfectly fine to get your hair wet without washing it as long as you don’t do it all the time. So, if you want to wet your hair in the shower without actually washing it, go ahead!

Great Clips, which are a well known established hair salon franchise agreed with our stylist responses too.

Can You Wet Your Hair In The Shower Without Shampoo?

The answer to this primarily comes down to what type of condition your hair is currently…

In General

You can indeed wet your hair without using shampoo however if you do this, you should limit the amount of times you do, as if you have dry, oily or damaged hair, it could make this worse.

Dirty Hair

If your hair is dirty, it’s best to avoid wetting it without shampooing it first. This is because wetting your hair can actually make your scalp produce more oil. So, if you have dirty hair and you’re going to wet it in the shower, make sure to wash it with a good shampoo or conditioner afterwards.

Dry Hair

If you have dry hair, wetting your hair in the shower without washing it with shampoo first shouldn’t be a problem. In fact, doing this can actually help hydrate your hair and make it look healthier, just be sure to dry your hair thoroughly afterwards.

How Can You Take A Shower Without Wetting Your Hair?

Lets give you 5 simple ways to not get your hair wet when showering..

Use A Shower Cap

This is the most obvious way to keep your hair dry while showering. All you need to do is put on a shower cap before getting in the shower and voila, your hair will stay perfectly dry!

Put Your Hair Up

Another easy way to keep your hair from getting wet in the shower is to put it up into a bun or ponytail before getting in. This way, your hair will be out of the way and won’t get wet at all.

Wear A Hat

If you don’t have a shower cap or if you just don’t want to wear one, another option is to put on a hat before getting in the shower. This will keep your hair covered and dry.

Use A Towel

Another way to keep your hair dry while showering is to use a towel. Before getting in the shower, wrap a towel around your head and secure it with a clip or elastic. This will help keep your hair from getting wet.

Get In The Shower Quickly

Finally this may sound silly but one last way to keep your hair dry while showering is to simply get in the shower quickly and avoid letting too much water hit your head. This won’t keep your hair completely dry but it will help to keep it from getting too wet.

So, there you have it! Five simple ways to take a shower without wetting your hair. Try one of these methods next time you’re in the shower and see how well it works for you.

Final Words

There are proven reasons for why you should be washing your hair if it gets wet but most of the time this only applies to oily or damaged hair, if you visit your hair salon regularly and your hair is healthy, getting your hair wet without washing it afterwards should definitely not be a problem what-so-ever.

If your hair is damaged, take a small bottle, fill this up with a sensitive type of hair conditioner and run a squirt of it through your hair throughout the day, this will strengthen your hair and prevent your scalp from drying out as well as also preventing more natural oils from occurring.